News & events

15 septembre 2016

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1 September 2016

Cabourg Conference: "Mediation - Conflict Prevention and Management"

1 July 2016

A day of training in conflict prevention and management, as part of the mediation process, is being held by the Bar Association of Caen on Friday 1 July 2016, at the Grand Hôtel in Cabourg.

Guy A. Bottequin has been invited to show and comment on the play SWEET JUSTICE (excerpts), followed by a public and press discussion.

The day will be introduced by Bertrand Bruneau de la Salle, President of the Bar Association of Caen. The following themes will then be discussed:
-   Definition and origins of mediation, conventional mediation for companies, validating agreements and sharing experience:
Claude de Doncker, Laurent Drugeon, Dominique Maugeais and Theirry Lugbull.
-   The benefits of using ADR, court mediation and conventional mediation:
Marie-Christine Leprince Nicolay, Nathalie Fricero and Armelle de Lagarde.
Moderator: Dominique Maugeais.

The day counts towards continuing professional development for lawyers.

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24 June 2016

The Institute for Mediation in French-speaking Countries (IMEF) and the Over Cultural Mediation Agency (OMA) are holding a seminar for experienced mediators to share and deepen their knowledge.
Aims: to improve skills and compare mediation practices. The theme for this first session is:

"To be or not to be a mediator? "

The President of GENEVACCORD ADR SA will take part and strongly encourages you to sign up to this seminar, for which the key words will be: learning, collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

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Mediation Day!

18 June 2016

Projection of extracts of the play SWEET JUSTICE® commented by Guy A. Bottequin, followed by a dinner-debate.

Location: Restaurant Le Castel de Bois Genoud, Rte de Bois Genoud 36, 1023 Crissier

Marie-Claude Paillard -

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The 10th SDM-FSM Swiss Mediation Days

3 June 2016

The 10th SDM-FSM Swiss Mediation Days 2016 "HOMO MEDIATOR"
See document

Meetings, talks, discussions and workshops : An unmissable event for international mediators*!

Audience: policy makers, economics and education professionals, organisational development managers, business leaders, HR managers, judges, attorneys, lawyers, notaries and legal experts, ombudsmen and workplace advisors, university and college students, interested members of the public

Simultaneous translation French / German

Students: important discount on Friday 3 June 2016

*Attendance qualifies for 15 hrs of continuous professional development, certificated by the SDM-FSM.


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SWEET JUSTICE: screening in Thionville

1 June 2016

Thionville Médiation organized a screening of excerpts from SWEET JUSTICE with commentary by Guy A. Bottequin, on 1 June 2016 in Thionville

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Launch of Fédération Genevoise MédiationS (Geneva Mediation Federation)

17 May 2016

The Fédération Genevoise MédiationS (formerly Association MédiationS) held its launch event in Geneva on Tuesday 17 May 2016.
It is co-chaired by Ida Koppen and Stephan Auerbach (see photos).

To mark this official opening, the SDM-FSM president Andréa Staubli sent a letter to the gathering, wishing the FGeM every success in achieving its goals and expressing enthusiastic support from the SDM-FSM, which is eager to work with the FGeM in future.

"Mediation, an art which can be learned": a GENEVACCORD ADR and HEPL event

11 May 2016

GENEVACCORD ADR and the Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège (HEPL) are holding a joint event on Wednesday 11 May 2016 in Liège.
This will be a day of training on the theme of: “Mediation, an art which can be learned”

The day will centre on the play SWEET JUSTICE, produced in Geneva in 2014, extracts from which will be screened for the very first time in Belgium.

The day will qualify for 7 hours of continuing professional development.

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The 7th Montalieu Meetings

4 May 2016

4th to 6th May 2016 in Montalieu, France.

The 11th Mediation Festival

9 April 2016

Ifomène held the 11th Mediation Festival on Saturday 9 April 2016, on the theme "What's on in Mediation".

Jacques Salzer organised role-play sessions, interspersed by speeches and discussions on the theme of "Theatre and Mediation: replaying conflict to avoid it".
M. Bottequin spoke alongside the actor Chloé Lambert, Debora Civello, G. Di Rosa, Abraham Zeini et Hubert Myon.
The other discussions focused on "The tipping point: how and why is agreement reached?" and "Mediation qualifications: their value and importance"

Many of you visited us at the GENEVACCORD ADR  information stand and came to talk to M. Bottequin after his speech.
Thank you for your interest and for coming to see us!

GENEVACCORD ADR SA commissioned to provide an introduction to mediation for 17 applicants

7 April 2016

GENEVACCORD ADR SA has been commissioned by the International Court of Mediation and Arbitration, Paris (CIMEDA) to provide an introduction to commercial conflict mediation for 17 enrolled applicants.

A two-day information session will be held in Paris on 7 and 8 April. The aim is to give the participants an understanding of conflict mediation and basic theoretical and practical knowledge for its use in the commercial domain.

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SCCM mediation breakfast sessions

2 March 2016

Mediation breakfast sessions are held every first Wednesday of the month, at the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from 8.15 to 9.30 am.

The breakfast sessions are organised and led by Birgit Sambeth Glasner (see photo), lawyer, certified mediator and vice president of the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM).

See the programme for the coming weeks here.

SCCM mediation breakfast sessions

3 February 2016

Mediation breakfast sessions are held every first Wednesday of the month, at the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from 8.15 to 9.30 am.

The GENEVACCORD ADR team attended on Wednesday 3 February 2016.
The topic was: External Confidantes for companies (Personne de Confiance en Entreprise - PCE).
A current hot topic, very important and forward-looking.

The breakfast sessions are organised and led by Birgit Sambeth Glasner (see photo), lawyer, certified mediator and vice president of the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM).

See the programme for the coming weeks here.

Guy A. Bottequin invited to the D&DS conference

13 November 2015

NGO Dialogue & Démocratie Suisse (D&DS) is organising a conference on the 13th of November 2015 in Geneva.

Guy A. Bottequin is invited to speak on "Quo Vadis - Conflict mediation in the French-speaking area".

Informations and inscription :

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Festival Justice et Cinéma in La Rochelle

25 September 2015

The 7th Conference of the SCCM on 18 and 19 September 2015

18 September 2015

The 7th conference of the SCCM will be held in Lausanne.

16 mediation professionals practising in Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and the UK will act as speakers, moderators and workshop leaders, focusing on the theme of "Commercial Mediation: new approaches and perspectives".

GENEVACCORD ADR SA has chosen to be one of the sponsors supporting this important event.

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The 6th International Conference of Judicial Mediation in Nice, July 2015

1 July 2015

World Mediation Organization Symposium - Berlin 2015

23 June 2015

5th World Mediation Organization Symposium hosted by German Mediation Academy from June 23rd to June 26th, 2015

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1 June 2015

SWEET JUSTICE in Paris, La Comédie des Champs-Elysées, June 1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th, 2015 !

The 6th Montalieu Meetings

13 May 2015

May 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th, 2015 in Montalieu, France.

7th International French-speaking Mediation Contest

16 March 2015

The Centre for Mediation and Arbitration of Paris (CMAP)'s 7th International French-speaking Mediation Contest will be held from 16 to 20 March 2015.

The contest is aimed at students planning to become lawyers, entrepreneurs, jurists and notaries.

It aims to raise their awareness of the practice of mediation, through a simulated situation in which they have to play the role of mediator.

They are judged by a jury of legal, economic and judiciary professionals, who  select the students who have best performed the role of mediator.

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The 39th CREG meeting

16 December 2014

The 6th Conference of the SCCM in Lucerne

7 November 2014

Sweet Justice, Getting to the heart of mediation, October 2014

22 October 2014

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The 5th International Conference of Judicial Mediation in Biarritz, July 2014

3 July 2014

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Swiss Mediation Days in Neuchâtel

6 June 2014

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The 5th Montalieu Meetings

28 May 2014

GENEVACCORD ADR raises awareness to mediation for parisian real estate executives

3 April 2014

GENEVACCORD ADR was commissioned by the International Court of Mediation to intervene in Paris on April 3-4, 2014.
A one-day and a half training is organised to raise awareness to mediation for managers and decision makers in the real estate sector.

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Symposium on Mediation - Liège Bar

28 March 2014

The Liège Bar organizes a symposium on the theme of mediation.

GENEVACCORD ADR is invited, and will be represented by Guy A. BottequinPresident.
He will speak on the panel "The mediator is a professional - The lawyer has a place in the mediation process."
See the flyer
See the programme

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International french speaking contest - CMAP

17 March 2014

March 17-20, 2014

Specially organised for future lawyers, entrepreneurs, jurists or notaries, it will be a unique opportunity to be confronted with the practice of mediation.

Check all details of the competiton

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P'tit Déjeuner de la médiation - March 2014

5 March 2014

P'tit Déjeuner de la médiation - February 2014

5 February 2014

31 January 2014

Lunch-debate organized by GENEVACCORD ADR: promoting commercial conflict mediation

30 January 2014

Groupe d'Echange et de Réflexion (GER) at CMAP (Paris)

19 December 2013

Future of Human Rights Forum (FHRF)

10 December 2013

Continuous Training - Applications systémiques

6 December 2013

Groupe d'Echange et de Réflexion (GER) at CMAP (Paris)

5 December 2013

P'tit Déjeuner de la médiation - December 2013

4 December 2013

Continuous Training - Maître Jean Gay

26 November 2013

GPM: General Assembly in Lausanne

25 November 2013

Groupe d'Echange et de Réflexion at CMAP (Paris)

21 November 2013

15 November 2013

P'tit Déjeuner de la médiation - November 2013

6 November 2013